Dogsthorpe along with Gunthorpe and Walton are listed under Paston in this directory, rather than Peterborough.
Listed in Dogsthorpe
- Bedford Ester Cave (Miss), shopkeeper, Post Office
- Bonner Henry, blacksmith
- Dudley Philip, cowkeeper
- Edis Isaac, farmer and machine owner
- Gooding John, pottery
- Gooding Martha (Mrs), nurse
- Goaldthorpe Arthur, blacksmith
- Hard George, beer retailer
- Huddlestone Robert Asher, Blue Bell PH
- Kersley George, brick and tile maker
- Newman William, market gardener
- Parker Alice (Mrs), farmer and brick ma
- Perkins Richard, farmer
- Simmons Maria (Mrs), china and earthenware dealer
- Stanley James, butcher
- Venters William Henry, baker
- Vergette Robert, farmer
- Webster Robert, cowkeeper
- Young Jas. beer retailer and shopkeeper