The Peter Pan was on Eastern Avenue opposite the end of Central Ave. It sold Home Ales (about 24p a pint in 1978) I must admit I never went in there. It has now been replaced by a housing development. It was demolished in 2001.
The Peter Pan before and after it closed. Many thanks to Carl speechley for giving me permission to use his pictures
Thanks to Graham Draper for these memories "the Peter Pan was a nice place, good ole sing a long on Sunday nights. It also had a good football team".
Slightly more disturbing is the story that someone got a claw hammer in his head, for helping the landlord to throw someone out of the pub. Fortunately the victim was OK and "he didn't get away with it cos he got a beating from the locals before being handed over to the police" (1988 - 1990).
The site of the Peter Pan today.
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